Bermuda Longtail Limousine


  • Brand & Website Design
  • Creative Direction – Red Bicycle
  • Photography – Red Bicycle
  • Identity System – Red Bicycle

Start your island adventure.

Pink sand beaches surrounded by water in shades of turquoise and blue, pastel houses, and lush greenery – every day is a great time of the year to be in Bermuda. Bermuda Longtail Limousine serves as an authentic Bermuda tour guide to help you experience the sights and sounds. Experience Bermuda in style and create new memories with loved ones.

The Results

“Beautifull advertising. Beautiful coloring. Great idea. I would definitely choose you.”

Are you ready to experience Bermuda in style?

We built a WordPress website where users can view and book tours or arrange transportation for special occasions. Behind the scenes our client is able to view transactions, offer coupons or promotional services and easily update their website. Bermuda Longtail Limousine receives an average of 1,600+ website visitors a month.

Build your dream website today.

Visit BLL Website